Bambara Primary School is committed to the pastoral care of its students. It aims to provide a safe, inclusive and caring learning environment that supports the physical, social, intellectual and emotional development of each student.
Our pastoral care is underpinned by a positive school climate and a strong Values program. At Bambara Primary School we promote positive attitudes and actions.
Our school office is home to our Values Tree and holds the names of students who have been identified by their teachers and peers to demonstrate through their attitudes and actions the values we encourage and uphold.
At the beginning of each term, families receive a copy of the Values Booklet which outlines the Value promoted for the fortnight. Click on the links below to view our Values Booklets.
Values Booklets
The School Chaplaincy program supports the school’s pastoral care program. The School Chaplain supports the wellbeing of students and the school community in general. This might include support and guidance about ethics, values, relationships and spiritual issues and helping students engage with the broader community. They are part of the school’s pastoral care team. The school Chaplain at Bambara Primary School is available one day a week to support students and their families. Involvement is voluntary and students may self- refer or be referred through the Principal, Teacher or Parent.
Learning Support
The school aims to provide an innovative and collaborative approach with key stakeholders to make a real difference for students at educational risk. Students at educational risk can be identified by any one of the following attributes, low achievement, low progress and/ or classroom behaviour which has a negative impact on academic or social progress. Classroom teachers will develop individual programs for students who have been identified at risk in Literacy or Numeracy. The learning programs will be adjusted to ensure that student progress is incremental. In the course of the term teachers will meet with parents to discuss the individual program and endorse the learning adjustments. The Learning Support Team comprising of Administration (Principal or Deputy Principal), School Psychologist, Classroom Teacher, Chaplain or Allied Health Professionals and Parents will become involved should student fail to make progress. Their role is to ensure successful outcomes for students at educational risks by supporting teachers and working collectively to identify suitable and effective intervention strategies.
Want to teach your kids about online safety? Arm yourself with the right tools for the job. Click here to have a look at the range of online resources that can help you and your children stay safe on the internet.
Commonwealth Legislation to protect children’s privacy raise some questions. e.g. Should privacy laws be extended to protect victims of bullying? In particular, do privacy laws need to be tightened to prevent the invasion of the privacy of children and young people on social media sites and what is the legal responsibility of the site providers? Children, Young People and Attitudes to Privacy the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC), from their website – check an interesting section on young people and online social networking below:
- Introduction
- Generational differences in attitudes to privacy
- Attitudes of young people to privacy
- ALRC consultations with young people
- Online social networking
- Discussion Paper proposals
- ALRC’s view
Common Sense Media
Common Sense is dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. We empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives. Media and technology are at the very centre of all our lives today - especially our children’s. Kids today spend over 50 hours of screen time every week. The media content they consume and create has a profound impact on their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Learning how to use media and technology wisely is an essential skill for life and learning in the 21st century. But parents, teachers, and policymakers struggle to keep up with the rapidly changing digital world in which our children live and learn. Now more than ever, they need a trusted guide to help them navigate a world where change is the only constant. Visit the site here.
Our School
Bambara Primary School recognises and respects the traditional custodians of our school land.
'Bambara', an Aboriginal word meaning 'forest country', represents our commitment to a unification of community spirit, culture and respect for all.
Our values of community, excellence and harmony are represented by our school logo - a tree by the water.
Stay Connected
Bambara Primary School
30 Gosse Road,
Padbury, WA 6025
+61 8 9307 5911